For the Best Quality + Value in the Fraser Coast - Talk to PJ Burns Builder Hervey Bay !
PJ Burns Builder in Hervey Bay is your one-stop-shop for stunning design, superior craftsmanship, the best quality products, and the best value in QLD and in the Fraser Coast...
It's Simple!
Our first home in the Wide Bay area was built in 1991, and since, we have been building quality homes everywhere from Maryborough to Hervey Bay to Burrum Heads, and all areas in-between.
For more than 40 years, PJ Burns Builder has been the respected, local builder for lowset homes, highset homes, custom homes, dual occupancy, small and duplex designs, multi-residential, hampton homes and everything in between - on any block. Were here to help!
Our Philosophy
PJ Burns genuinely peruses the belief that beautiful, affordable, sustainable and quality homes should be more abundant. Everybody deserves the choice of a quality home and fair access to the the right advice!
We have been refining the way that we build homes since 1978, focusing to provide the best quality, tailored homes in Queensland while using Australian products, engaging local tradespeople and supporting local people and businesses.
Discover our interesting history on the About Us page.
For plenty of information on building, you can also check out our FAQ page.