Ways To Ensure An Energy Efficient New Home
From installing solar panels, to the latest in insulation to installing skylights, there are loads of ways to increase the energy efficiency of your home. You may not realise it, but even the paint colours you choose can have an effect on lighting and heating levels. The best time to consider how to make your home energy efficient is when you are building, so that it’s done the right way from the very beginning – saving both energy and your hip-pocket now and in to the future.
Solar Power
Solar panels are a great way to drastically reduce your household energy usage. Once installed they require little maintenance, can be expected to last 20 years or more, and the electricity they generate is free.
You can also install solar-powered lighting in your garden or wrap solar-powered fairy lights in trees. This will add atmosphere to your garden and won’t use costly energy sources unnecessarily.
Before you start building your new home, identify building materials and appliances that can be re-used. Windows, doors, roofing tiles and dishwashers can all be salvaged and used again in a new build, adding charm and character to your property whilst cutting down on waste and spending.
Make sure your builder has a waste and recycling plan in place before commencing a build and work with them to minimise waste. Try to recycle as much of the leftover building materials as you can in order to reduce landfill. Buying recycled building products not only saves on energy that is required for the production of new materials, it can also lead to considerable savings and add to the atmosphere of your home.
Internal temperature
In warmer climates, the presence of elevated flooring and light construction materials can help to keep your home cool without the need for air conditioning. Consider a metal roof, which can effectively reflect sunlight and keep the internal temperatures down. Using solid materials such as brick, concrete and stone in the right areas of your home can also provide sufficient thermal mass to absorb and store heat during the winter months and save on energy.
Hot and Cold
When planning the situation of your home on a site or block, face the living areas north to take advantage of the winter sun. North-facing windows get sun for the longest part of the day in winter and are easy to shade in summer. Since living areas tend to be the most occupied, it makes sense to naturally heat these rooms. Including windows or openings on more than one side of the living area will allow for cooling breezes, whilst high windows or skylights get rid of any rising hot air. Reduce the heat losses of your pipes by locating the appliances that require hot water as close to your hot water services as possible.
Ask An Expert
The friendly and experienced team at PJ Burns Builder can help you to create the home of your dreams that’s also energy efficient. We offer you direct one-on-one service, so browse through our extensive range of designs or contact us today. Your dream home is closer than ever!